Monday, October 24, 2011

No Heaven for a Gangsta

Another poem I wrote in my advance poetry class. This is the revision. I do not like it all that much, but in theory it sends the same message.

We laugh at everyone on the other side of the bridge.
"That rescission don't affect us."
Spending so much time in the red,
I forgot what life is like in the black.
Around here times have always been labored.
Poverty is the best friend to welfare,
nothings changing that.
Don't need the news to say Memphis is sixth in crime this year.
We'll spend the last bit of money on third buying J's and cigarettes.
We do what we want
on the block pushing mix-tapes,
riding flats in a candy paint donk,
in the trap to hustle for death.

She is Beautiful,

an Angel from Hell.

I'm an assassin
I sneak up on time
and kill it.

A ninja in translucent clothing
I move fast
while they assume.

The vixen of static dreams to
diminish your premise
I'm your arch nemesis.

A siren of sheets
the type that likes to mislead men.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What is love?

Is it
Dealing with drunkenness
Helping my feet swim through rain-fall collected on the streets
Placing a 10-58 in the passenger seat and rolling down the window
Holding back my hair as a I project the nights contents
Getting a hotel room because there is no way I can drive
Allowing me to cry in the shower, balancing my head over the grate
Calling me beautiful after i repeat line 5 in the sink
Patting depression away
Forcing me to crawl in bed wrapped in sheep's clothing
Reminding me that the world's not over, it'll be better in the morning
Kissing me on the fore head


for Xo

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Valentine's Day

If I could change the history of v-day I would make it less romantic. I would name it after Saint Valentine, the tramp liquidator… supplier of satin heart shaped boxes… chocolate euthanasia…love confetti.

Valentine, giver of white roses dyed the deepest rouge; hemoglobin… lionized Jack the Ripper… martyr for illuminatus.

Chocolate of death would be a Hallmark given with red roses. Mass hysteria would break out on the fourteenth… a pandemic… I would blame it on “love.”

Induce a profit.

Sparkler With A Soul Stealer

She wonders why I hate her

I would say dislike but that leaves

Room for improvement and she’s so far from

Recovery she’d drown in shallow water with a

Lifejacket and someone holding her head

She’s the reason why I sigh complain grumble

NOTHING relevant has ever escaped her lips

I couldn’t choke positivity out of her if the only

Thing she ate was Sunshine and Rainbows

Meet Me In Outer Space

Love, you don’t seem to understand.
You’re this gravity-less force that,
Kisses like a sonic boom.
My mind speaks to yours.
We break the sound barrier,
Every time our bodies unite.
What we are is Dangerous.
I’m an addict and you’ve recently quit,
With this passion in you, this atomic bomb romance.
You try to control it, but
I’m a Super Nova and my desire to
Acquire you radiates, shines, over powers you.
Together we’d be unstoppable.
We’d form a Neutron Star,
A black hole…
A complete source of destruction.
Nothing would escape us.
All stellar activity would be void.
We’d cause Nuclear Fusion.
