Friday, November 6, 2009

I want to be...

I want to be more than your heart and soul
Baby I want to be your future.
I want to help you achieve victories, and deal with failure.
I want to be your support team, management, security...
I want to be the mother of your children, not yo baby momma'.
I want to be your wife, spouse, other half, not your side line hoe put be hide a trifling girlfriend.
I want to be your muse, your inspiration, the collectiveness that defines you, BUT is not limited to me.
I want to be yours.

We are Harmony

We collide together and colors burst from:
each kiss, touch, caress
Its the magic assigned to passion.
A chemical reaction.
Light down a fiber optic tube.

We are pure and simple, wild yet tame.
Rainbows after the storm.
Light rainfall on a hot summer's day.
Ice melting on hot skin.
The moon's pull on the waning tide.

We are a complete contrast.
My florescent epidermis against your dark satin muscles.
I am the star in the room when the lights are out.
You refract my essence,
and I consume all of yours.

We dance when the lights are off in:
car seats, beneath the sheets, against walls, on the floor.
Mirrors project to us a connection
as melodies dictate our rhythm.

We are harmony.

Separate We are Defined

My soft is to your hard...
You are a rock and I am water
I flow around you touching everything molding to you

I am cool and gentle, hot and enduring.
I keep you imaginative.
I chip the rough edges away and keep you soft.

You are my strength, my brick wall
My safe haven, my warrior
You are the muscle
The sex
The physical ecstasy

I am your support, your warm bed, your soft touch, your Dionysus
I am the energy
The persuasion
The erotic arousal

Within the Crew

I feel like everyone is on their own Island
with a few people for company
and I am the ocean that links the Islands
Ice cold and lonely.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

over the summer

I have never seen so many Medical incidents in one summer before. Poor Phoenix (baby horse) jumped from pole pressure and flipped over backwards got a concussion. The heaviest baby I have ever helped to pick up. :( Vet who wasn’t worth SHHHHH!!! She doped him up with way too much banamine. Long story short he was put on a DMSO drip and got way better in a week or so.

Then mom and I went to palpate 13 mares (insert hand in rectum to check for pregnancy). My first time seeing/HEARING a prolapsed recto vaginal fistula (when horse has baby sometimes it rips the wall that separates the vagina and the rectum. Just like people it should be sown up).

Treated two underweight Arabians that have NO ground manners.

Watched a stallion get castrated, slick gross! Glad I’m not a male, emasculators are painful looking.
Poor Tuff and his impalement on his neck that my mom thought I could sew. WRONG, you can’t sew puncture wounds and he had dead tissue. So I dressed and wrapped it for the trip to the vet. Once the dead tissue got cut out mom and I went to see it and look at the progression. If you ever SMELL death rest assured its creepy crawlies (maggots) and there were tons and they were swimming fast. :’( Poured a ton of olive oil in the whole and they were falling out of the wound.

Poor Cody and his 4 wheeler accident.

Took 2 hours to shave and wash a huge great Pyrenees that was gets bathed in emu oil. (note: emu oil makes hair grow back fast and thick) Played with a herd of emus, the scariest thing ever. They remind me of valasa raptors.

Looked at a mini horse that is cycle hawked.

Got my baby Triangle B Rosecolord who is 4 years old and is NOT broke to ride yet. Swam on her and rode her out the pond and around the pasture. :D

Helped load the craziest horse ever in to a trailer. It took 3 f’ing hours and that dumb bitch was rearing up striking out and kicking at all 10 of us. Eventually we rigged a pulley and drug her to the trailer door. When she was almost in the rope opened one of the slant load’s dividers. So I crawled under 2 dividers to close the doors after jerking the already tense rope slamming her on the ground almost under the trailer. Once everything was clear we pulled her in the trailer. STUPID GRADE HORSE!

Rode my first padded Tennessee Walker. Nothing special about that too much work to ride a horse.
Went to the auction and rode a BEAUTIFUL champagne Tennessee Walker. Talk about smooth, smart, and well trained 3 year old. LaVonna bought him.

SOLD my boys the next day. They literally tried to kill LaVonna’s horse. 2 of my horses herded him until he almost ran straight into a t-post and barbed wire fence. Picked up a buckskin Tennessee walker mare that was sadly abused.